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6 months online program, including monthly coaching

 Fashion Photography Academy

The program "Fashion Photographer in 6 Months" has 2 online classes a week for a time period of 6 months. Technique as well as inspiration, creativity and pushing your boundaries are equally important and forms the base in these classes to find your own signature in Fashion Photography.

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My background in Fashion, Teaching and Photography is a unique combination that guided me to this path to share my knowledge with a newer generation, because there was no such platform, guided by a professional, with an expertise in all those three areas.



"Get your creativity out there
and expose your talent!"


My mission is to provide good technical and creative education, that can be followed from anywhere in the world, at your own chosen time. And to guide people to find their own unique signature in Fashion Photography, so they will stand out from the crowd!

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"Fuell your skills from
anywhere in the world
at the time that suits you most!"

"The meaning of life is
to find your gift, 
the goal is to give it away!"

If you want to become a Fashion Photographer with an unique signature that stands out from the crowd....

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